Admin Role Commands

  • /infract - Issues an infraction to a user.
  • /infraction void - Cancels a specific infraction.
  • /infractions - Views the infractions of a user.
  • /infraction edit - Edits an existing infraction.
  • /suspend - Suspends a user from the community.
  • /promote - Promotes a member in the staff hierarchy.
  • /tags edit - Edits a pre-existing tag.
  • /tags create - Creates a new tag.
  • /loa manage - Manages Leave of Absence (LOA) requests.
  • /staff add - Adds a member to the staff.
  • /staff remove - Removes a member from the staff.
  • /staff view - Views the current staff members.
  • /partnership all - Manages all partnerships.
  • /partnership log - Logs a new partnership.
  • /partnership view - Views details of a partnership.
  • /feedback remove - Removes feedback from a user.
  • /modmail blacklist - Blacklists a user from using modmail.
  • /modmail unblacklist - Removes a user from the modmail blacklist.
  • /modmail snippets create - Creates a modmail snippet.
  • /modmail snippets delete - Deletes a modmail snippet.
  • /modmail snippets all - Shows all modmail snippets.
  • /application results - Logs an application result.
  • /admin panel - Accesses the admin panel.
  • /loa active - Views active LOAs.
  • /staff panel - Sends a display of all staff members in a dropdown.

Staff Role Commands

  • /staff leaderboard - Views the staff performance leaderboard.
  • /staff messages - Views or manages staff messages.
  • /tags send - Sends a tag to a user.
  • /tags info - Retrieves information about a specific tag.
  • /tags list - Lists all available tags.
  • /modmail reply - Replies to a modmail thread.
  • /modmail close - Closes a modmail thread.
  • /modmail alert - Sends an alert next time someone messages in the modmail.
  • /modmail snippets send - Sends a snippet message into the modmail channel.
  • /loa request - Requests a Leave of Absence.
  • /forums lock - Locks a forum thread.
  • /forums unlock - Unlocks a forum thread.
  • /forums archive - Archives a forum thread.
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